Deposition, Coating,
& Forming

Partner with Faraday to enable scalable application of next generation materials!

Explore Our Electrochemical Application Technologies

Faraday develops scalable approaches to apply a wide range of materials for enhanced operational performance. The following examples demonstrate some of the benefits observed for Electrodeposited metals (single/alloy), Electrocodeposited composites, and Electrophoretically deposited materials, from water and water-free electrolytes.

Deposition, Coating, & Forming

The FARADAYIC ® ElectroDeposition, ElectroCoDeposition, and Electrophoretic processes can enable robust, scalable operation to apply uniform functional coatings to a wide range of component shapes and materials. The application of pulse and pulse reverse electric fields, combined with simple chemistries, will reduce cost while increasing uniformity and process control.

These processes have been proven to:

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If you have a challenging material application problem that needs a scalable solution, call Faraday today!